Hi today I have yet another DIY for you guys.
It's my beloved whipped shea butter mix, I use it for myself, my kids and even hubbie uses it after shaving. He is totaly not in to the creams and cosmetics thing, but recently asked me to make a new batch, because he really liked what this was doeing for his skin.
It's multi functional, I use it as:
- night cream, first aply a serum for moisture, than a thin layer shea mix,my skin is super soft in the morning.
- hand cream, I never seem to find a good handcrea, but this does the trick beautifully, and keeps them moisturized.
- feet cream, do use it over night with a pair of socks on.
- a all over body cream for my children, no chemicals, mineral oils, weird perfums that will irritate the skin. And if your skin is really sensitive you could leave out the oils as wel. But I recon that at least the tea tree oil contibutes to a healthy skin beacuse of its anti fungal and desinfecting properties.
Now with no further a do the recipe and intsructions.
-Shea Butter, I prefer the raw and unreffined because of the healing properties.
- Coconutoil.
- Tea tree oil. Because of the desinfecting and anti fungal properties, it is beneficiary for your skin aswel for the salve it self.
- Chi Davos kuurolie. This is for scenting only, so you could skip this.
Start by taking your hand mixer and bowl and put 3 heaped table spoons in the bowl, whip this up until the shea butter gets soft and fluffy like frosting. Then take another litlle bowl and melt 1 tablespoon coconut oil in the microwave. Add the melted coconutoil to the shea butter and mix, add 2 drops of tea tree oil and about 8- 10 drops of davos kuurolie ( a eucalyptus, mint blend). You'll should end up with a cake batter like consitancy.
And your done!
Hope you liked this recipe, and let me know if you tried it, how it worked out for you.
Please keep in mind that I'm no skin therapist, so please try the ingredients on a little patch. And shea butter is derrivided from the NUT of the shea tree, so people with nut allergies might have to keep that in mind.
That said, I have a realy sensitive skin, but have no reaction to this salve.
Have fun lovely's ,
hugs and kisses DIY Mama