
Wednesday, 27 March 2013

TBS Moringa showergel & Petal fresh Rosemary & Mint shampoo

Hi Everyone, today I had to buy some birthday presents for sisterinlaw, and whilst doing that I figured DIY Mama could use some pampering and indulgence as well ;-)

So I treated myself on these 2 beauties today. I haven't had the pleasure of trying them out, since having them for just a few hours :-P But I can't wait to get in the shower with them! The smell of these are just heavenly! 

Lets start with the Body Shops Moringa showergel Here is where you can get yours. Its very reasonably priced at € 6,50 for 200 ml.
The smell really brings back memories, I LOVE the smell of frangipani, en this is a nice fresh variant of that. It's soap free so less drying to the skin, sounds good, because mine seems to want to emulate the sahara dessert. 

Now over to the Rosemary & Mint Shampoo from Petal fresh. 

It is a big 16 fl oz/ 475 ml bottle that I bought it from De Tuinen for €6,99, so I think this is reasonably priced as well, most certainly for a sulfate, paraben, petrochemical free shampoo.
Due to it's lack of sulfates it lathers much less then regular shampoos ( I did a test run on my hands ).
I love the smell of rosemary and mint, and after rinsing it of my hands the smell of mint is what's left behind.
Rosemary and mint are good for hair and scalp for numerous reasons, so can't wait to see what this shampoo can do for my hair. I'm trying to cut out sulfates out of my hair care regime for a while now, but it's hard! Finding a product that takes care of my hair, doesn't contain sulfates etc. AND is friendly on the pocket book.
Now I just have to wait if it lives up to expectations, I'll keep you updated, but will have to try it out now for a while.

This is what's in it:

Have you tried either of these? Would love to here what you think, leave comment down below.

Hugs and kisses DIY Mama