So I finally caved in ;-)

Yay: I posted my first ever Youtube video, I concurred my shyness and just did it!
Yay: The first spring day was here, 15 degrees and sun, loved it!!

Yay: I got 1.199 views on my blog!! Thanks everybody for checking out my blog, I am so happy and grateful for every single viewer. Please subscribe to bloglovin and make my day!
Yay: I FINALLY saw Skyfall, after several attempts of going to see it in the theater, I decided to buy the DVD and yesterday we finally came around to it.
Yay: My Catrice camouflage cream, have bin using this for the last couple of weeks and am still loving it! Without setting this will crease a little around the eyes, but with a bit of powder it will stay put. This is the first concealer I actually like. Surely recommend this! Check my review HERE.
Nay: Hardly a week later the temperature plummeted to minus -3! A 18 degrees difference in a week brrrrrr , funny how in the beginning of winter you can have joy with every fresh flake of snow, but now I can't stand it anymore, GIVE ME SUN PLEASE, enough already with the snow ;-)

Nay: Sickbay at DIY Mama's house, my kiddies both suffer the effects of chicken- pox, so sad to see them all covered in spots :-( But it does gives me the opportunity to try out my home remedies. More on that in a other blog-post.

So what are your Yay's and Nay's? Let me know in the comment section below!
Hugs and Kisses,
DIY Mama