
Friday, 12 April 2013

My Favorite Fragrances!

First in the list is Poeme from Lancome, this perfume is my first love considering perfumes. I first smelled it when I was 18, I had gotten a sample with my birthday present ( funny how smells can bring you right back). And loved it straight a way. From then on I was spoiled; no cheap drugstore fragrances for me anymore, but being 18 this was a bit heavy on the check book for me. So from then on it has been a staple item on my wishlist; birthday, Christmas; Poeme! 
This is how it looks when the bottle isn't half full (I'm a optimist ;-) and with lid, can't seem to locate mine... 

PoêmeThis is what Lancome has to say about it:

"Say it all without a word.
Say it all without saying a word. A fragrance of seduction that goes beyond words!
A composition of contrasts in which the effusive note of the Himalayan Blue Poppy embraces the enchanting scent of the Datura flower. Around this duo, white flowers mingle gaily with yellow POÊME each word is a flower, each flower a poem to express that which cannot be said."

So... now you know hahaha, in my opinion Poème is a warm floral scent, kind of oriental. But not like any scent I ever smelled before or since, so that makes it even harder to describe. On this site there is a extensive explanation of the scent.
This is really MY scent, and it feels totally funny when I smell someone else wearing it. But you girls are free to try it ;-P  It is and probably will stay my number 1 perfume, considering I'm wearing it for 12 years already, jeez I'm getting old haha.

Second on the list is Amber Elixir from Oriflame.
This one is the first I felt could compete with my beloved Poeme. Most fragrances smell great in the bottle but make me nauseous after a few hours. And this one keeps smelling yummie.   
عطر اوريفليم عنبر إلكسير Amber Elixir Oriflame Perfume                                                 

This is what Oriflame has to say about it;
"Inspired by the mysterious beauty of amber, Amber Elixir exudes an enticing aura of sensuality and tranquillity. Warm lingering notes of blackcurrant and mandarin embrace alluring heliotrope, mystical amber and sensual musk as you are consumed by its seductive amber glow. 50 ml."
Isn't it interesting how stilted and labyrinthine companies can get, describing a fragrance... Anywho,in my humble opinion and simpler description it is again a warm, spicy smell. It has that amber smell in it, just like Poeme, that is probably why I like this one as well haha.

Third on the list isn't technically MY scent, but it's my kids.
It's Eau de Zwitsal.
Zwitsal is a Dutch brand that caries all kind of  baby products, and used by moms in the Netherlands for decades. My mom (grandma to my kids ;-)was bathed in this when she was a baby, I was washed in it and now my babies (1,5 and 4) bath in it daily. And to let the smell lingerer a bit longer I like to spritz just a tiny bit on them when they are fully dressed, for that little hint of nostalgia. Or if my little girl sees me spritzing my perfume's and  wants to join in, I spritz it on my little princess ;-)

And lastly on my list is Miracle.
This perfume is the last in my favorites list all though I like it very much, this one has more of a sentimental value to me. When my daughter was born, my mother gave this to me, and said what a miracle it was to have this child in our lives, my pregnancy and delivery, both being difficult, ended in this beautiful miracle lying in my arms. So this fragrance reminds me of my mom, who also wears it a lot.
The description from Lancome:
You make it happen. A vibrant, sparkling fragrance that opens like the dawning of a new day with fresh, dewy notes of Lychee and Freesia. Its spicy heart echoes with notes of Magnolia, Jasmine, Ginger and Pepper as its warm base notes envelop you in the sensual splendor of Amber and Musk.

What are your favorite fragrances? Let me know in the comment section below.
Hugs and kisses DIYMama 

Bloglovin Blog Hop!

Hi everyone, after being more than a week M.I.A (Missing In Action) here I am again. It has been a very busy week, but now I'm back doing what I love to do; blogging.

The lovely Nina, from Nina's bargain beauty and some other beauty bloggers started this blogger hop

And being a new blogger myself I love to join. So please follow me on my bloglovin, and leave your link by clicking on the "add your link" button.

Some Simple Rules 
 1. Follow the hosts on bloglovin. 
2. Share the blog hop button on your sidebar. 
3. Hop around and visit at least 3 blogs. If you decide to follow a blog, please follow with bloglovin considering that GFC might go away. Leave a comment and let them know how you found their blog. 
4. Leave your link. You can link your bloglovin profile or a post on your blog that you enjoy, but in this case make sure you have your bloglovin visible on your blog so others can follow you. 
5. Optional: Help this blog hop grow and share it on Twitter using the #bloglovinbloghop at the end of the tweet ;) or on Facebook. 


Bloglovin blogger Hop

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Friday, 5 April 2013

follow my blog with bloglovin

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Beauty Blogger Tag

Hi everyone, today my first ever blogger tag, it's started by the lovely Nina from Nina's Bargain Beauty, and I red about it on Aislings blog. We're all invited to join in so, here it goes;

1. Is your hair naturally curly or straight?
Neither, haha my hair is most of the part straight, but flicks up here and there.

2. What is your natural hair colour?
Golden brown.

3. Do you dye it yourself or go to a salon?
Being a DIYMama, I do it myself ;-)

4. How often do you wash your hair?
I wash my hair daily, but am trying to cut down. And I have to say with my new shampoo, I can stretch it to 2 days without washing

5. Do you wear the same style every day or change it?
I pretty much wear the same style every day, being a mom my clothes have to be practical, in my opinion. No fringes, or long necklaces, while bending down for tying shoelaces or changing diapers ;-)
But I am trying to spruce up my style,and with spring/summer coming, I can't wait to go shopping again.

6. Do you do your own mani/pedi or go to a salon?
Usually I do my own, having a beautician backfground. But I do go to a specialized pedicure once every couple of months because of my Diabetes, just to keep everything healthy ;-).

7. How often to you change your nail polish?
Having my hands in dishwater, bathwater etc means my polish chips with the speed of light, so IF I'm wearing any i usually take it off after 2 days.

8. Do you polish your toes in the winter, too or just in the summer?
No, just in summer, don't feel the need to do them if there isn't anyone who sees it anyways ;-)

9. How long does it take to put on your makeup?
In the morning it takes about 15 minutes to put on a full face of make up, that's about the maximum of time my kids give me haha, after that they get bored and become little rascals. If I have more time, for example for a night out, it's about 30 min, that's when I really like to make more dramatic eyelooks.

10. What do you do first? Face or eyes?
Face; making a flawless canvas:, primer, concealer, foundation, shape, blush, highlight. Then eye's and lips.

11. Do you "collect" makeup or just buy what you need when you need it?
used to be a real down to earth make up kind of girl, when my mascara ran out I'd buy some, if my eye shadow hits pan I have to rebuy the same I used for ages. However..... after I discovered blogging and MUA I have to say I became a real hoarder. I have more lipsticks than I ever owned, and enough shades of eye shadow to make a different eye look every day for a year probably haha. And still I would love to have more.  

12. How often do you wear false eyelashes?
I would love to try them, but haven't really worn them EVER. I tried once, but my own lashes were in the way for me to properly stick the falsies on. So I gave up... but I am planning on trying again any time soon.

13. Do you do a full face of makeup every day?
If I feel like it I'll do a full face of make up.

14. Do you wear makeup when you are home alone (or with family)?
Again if I feel like it, I can enjoy wearing no make up just as much as wearing a full face of make up. It feels like a guilty pleasure to not wear make up on a lazy Sunday.

15. Will you leave the house without makeup?

16. How many high end products do you have?
None, can't justify for myself to buy highend goodies, when I could buy a week worth of grocery's or a new pair of shoes for my kids.

17. How often do you wash your makeup brushes?
After 1 or 2 uses I wash my brushes, so if I'm wearing my make up everyday it's about 2 a 3 times a week, but usually it comes down to 1 or 2 times a week.

18. Do you plan your OOTD every night or decide when you are getting dressed?
Nope, I'll see whats in my closet and what goes together haha.

19. How often do you change your handbag?
As little as possible, if I change my hand bag i tend to end up with no wallet at the grocery store because of it being in my other purse.....(happend a lot) 

20. What time do you get up & go to sleep?
I get up when my kids wake me, that's usually around 6:30, and go to sleep around 23:00.

21. How often & when do you workout?
Way to little, I swim once a week. And am trying to take up my running again, but it's so cold at the moment, I know: I'm a sissy.

22. Left-handed or Right-handed?
Absolutely right handed, can't even twease with my left hand.

23. How tall are you?
1.74 m, don't know how much that is in inches ;-)

24. Do you speak a foreign language?
It's absolutely rusty, but I think I can communicate quite well in English. I had German at high-school  but that's been 15 years ago, so that's no good either anymore.

25. How many pets do you have?
I have 2 cats, "Billy the kitten"(when he was younger), and Poekie.

26. How often are you on Blogger?
More often than I should be haha, love to work on my blog, about 3 times a week is average I think.

27. Do you read the comments posted blogs?
Everyone, I'm so happy if someone takes the effort writing me a comment. I try to reply every comment.

28. Do you keep a list of products to try as you see other posts?
Some blogs make me so greedy haha, would love to have them all. And I definitely keep in mind if a product had great reviews or not when I'm buying myself.

29. How did you come up with your blog name?
This mama tends to try doing things herself before asking people to help, or buying ready made things. A real "I can do it myself" mentality.

30. What kind of camera do you use for photographs?
Panasonic DMC -FS6.

31. How often do you clean your house? (Daily, weekly, other)
Daily, and still it isn't a Mrs Bouquet kind of house, with 2 kids and 2 cats, there is enough to keep you busy day and night.

32. What is your favorite colour?

33. What is your favorite beauty/fashion magazine?
Grazia. Don't buy much magazines, I prefer to read online.

34. Do you swear?
I try giving the right example for my kids, but that moment that you hit your tiny little toe on the edge of the door, again! That are the moments a naughty word slips out of my mouth, luckily that's so seldom that my son looks at me with question marks in his eyes " Mommy what does @#$%^% mean?" hahaha.

35. What are you doing with the rest of your day?
Keeping the house decent, play with kids. No cooking today, were eating at grandpa and grandma today.

Hereby I challenge every beauty blogger to join in on this tag, and please let me know, I'd love to learn more about you!

Hugs and Kisses DIY Mama.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Natural Vitamin E treatment DIY

Hi Lovelies,
I really can't wait to share this easy DIY skin treatment with you girls, I've been using it for the past week now, and I have to say, I can actually SEE the difference!

My skin is really fussy about skincare, even the most prestigious brands that market them selves as being hypoallergenic; my skin isn't having it :-(  On the other side it is very dehydrated, but oily on the chin and T-zone, and *Yay* the fine lines are coming trough as well. So in my search for skincare that actually makes a difference AND which my skin can tolerate, I have tried a good deal of brands. There are a few brands I can tolerate, and the did moisturize a bit, but the fine lines weren't getting any better, and the dry patches neither.

A few moisturizers I could recommend for sensitive skin are for example the Nivea Pure and Natural range, it isn't spectacular, no facelift effect ;-) but keeps you moisturized without irritation of the skin. 

At the moment i'm using this one from Garnier, without parabens but with eco cert label. It's a simple moisturizer, so I amp it up with a few drops of oil, like Argan or in this case vitamin E.

So now over to the actual DIY;

It's pretty simple:

  • get your self a bottle of vitamin E capsules (I got these.)
  • make sure your face is clean, no make up or moisturizer
  • cut, or prick your capsule open (with for instance a needle)
  • pinch out the oil and apply on desired area's, in my case: under the eye's, forehead, and the dry patches next to my nose. (you know those "lovely" patches that make your foundation look icky ;-)
  • gently sweep/ rub it in
  • apply your usual day or night cream and let it sit, if your using it before bed just leave it.
  • if your wanting to do some make up, you could dab the excess off with a tissue and carry on with your daily make up routine. You might want to powder a little.


Why this actually works:

I did a little research on the web to find out WHY it worked, I have to admit it started of like a wild experiment " hey lets put this substance on my face and see what happen" kind of thing. But after a few days I actually was noticing the difference, so I decided to find out why and share it with you.
There are tonnes of info out there why vitamin E is such a wonderful oil to use internal and external, but to sum it up for you, here is what is does and why:

  • Vitamin E is the most powerful antioxidant around, which protecst you from free radicals.
  • Everyday your skin is subjected to free radicals that damage your skin, these radicals damage the collagen and dry out your skin cells, what causes wrinkles.
  • It helps repair damaged skin.
  • It is a effective moisturizer.
  • It has natural anti inflammatory effects

I really have to say that I'm surprised by the fact how good this works, and how it's not costing you a arm and a leg. So I would say give it a try for a week and let me know what you think. My skin became tighter around the eyes, hydrated and generally made me look younger/fresher/ well rested (while I'm most definitely not haha).

Let me know what you think,
Hugs and Kisses DIY Mama
